понедельник, 20 января 2014 г.

Hemorrhoids Diet

Hemorrhoids Diet

Done deal, eh?

So I thought, until one of my subscribers asked the most shocking question in the culinary world. What are high fiber foods?

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High Fiber Foods Prevent Hemorrhoids

It hit me with the violence of a fighter jet slamming through sound walls. I was committing the classic assumption. You are also guilty, if you have ever assumed that a piece of information is general knowledge simply because you are familiar with it.

You better believe that, there is a crowd out there, who can’t tell the difference between high and low fiber foods. Today, we are going to identify those high fiber foods, which can help accelerate your recovery from hemorrhoids. In addition, we’ll examine the low fiber foods, which you should avoid.

But first, a recap of the impact of fiber on hemorrhoids (piles).

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High Fiber Nutrition

You have pathological hemorrhoids(piles), when the veins in your anal and rectal region become swollen and inflamed. The swellings and inflammation are caused by high pressures in your bowels and anal canal.

It is therefore self-evident, that nutrition, which impacts the pressures in your bowels, has a causative effect on piles.

But just how does it work?

Fiber foods are hydrophilic. This means fiber foods absorb and retain fluids (water). This has a major impact on your metabolism. Thanks to the fluids, food moves easier from the stomach through the small intestines to the large intestines from where there are eliminated.

What would happen, if you ate insufficient fiber to retain fluids? Your stool would be irregular, small and very hard. By definition, constipation describes irregular stool which is hard to pass. Diarrhea is at the opposite end of the spectrum. Diarrhea is frequent and watery stool.

Both constipation and diarrhea provoke high pressures in the large intestines and hence directly impact piles.

Your large intestine is made up of three parts: the cecum, the colon and the rectum. Your stool is stored in the rectum. You feel an urge to take a dump, when there is sufficient stool to be egested. Your anal sphincter regulates the ejection of stool by contracting and relaxing.

The relevant information to retain is that, fiber facilitates metabolism by retaining fluids; such that, the by-product of digestion (feces or faeces) is soft and gelatinous.

If you ate insufficient fiber, your stool will be too hard and you will suffer from constipation. A variety of reasons could make your stool too watery and cause you to suffer from diarrhea. Both lead to unusually high pressure in the rectum and hence piles.

You should strive for both soluble and insoluble fiber (roughage or ruffage). Fruits, grains and vegetables will give you both types of fiber.

Here are the top 5 foods with the highest fiber content for each category.

Rice, corn, oats and wheat are among the whole grains with high fiber content. A bowl of cornflakes in milk will make your day.

Vegetables and legumes

Greens vegetables are always a safe bet. Other foods with high roughage content include spinach, potatoes, carrots and artichokes. When you comb through the legumes shelves at the market, go for lentils, soybeans and peas. They’ll make a marvelous contribution to your roughage intake.

The most prized fiber rich fruits include oranges, apples, bananas, figs, strawberries and grapes.

Refined sugars found in beverages, confectionaries, biscuits and cakes have low fiber content. In addition, these sugars foster the retention of fat. Obesity is just around the corner, if you consume more refined sugars than you spend.

Unless you spend all the calories you eat, you can be sure that the extra calories are being stored somewhere. This somewhere is your body.

Spicy foods such as pepper have been shown to exacerbate the pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids.

I bet you saw the big three coming: alcohol, coffee and tobacco.

Tobacco constricts blood vessels. Less blood to your rectal region can foster thromboses. Your hemorrhoids will be more painful, if they thrombose.

No one is about to give up Starbucks. Caffeine has been the favourite morning stimulant for ages. However, you should consider taking a rain check on coffee, while you have hemorrhoids because caffeine is a vasoconstrictor just like tobacco.

You won’t like this but beer too must go. It is only temporarily, after all. You’ll have to choose between the pleasure of sipping that beer and the pain of hemorrhoids.

Original article and pictures take hemorrhoidsmed.blogspot.com site

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